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5 Steps when you relocate for work

December 31, 2020

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5 Steps when you relocate for work

If you've found a new job that needs moving, congratulations! This is a really exciting moment. You've got so many new things ahead of you. At the same time, it will be extremely stressful in the coming months. Make sure you have a good game plan developed ahead of time to make your move a success.

As a professional moving company, we realize that moving can never be stress-free, but to reduce the chances of being taken off guard, take these 5 steps.

Ask about relocation assistance

One study of individuals who recently moved to their jobs showed that many employers provided assistance with moving costs.

Although some companies are providing this upfront, others may need a bit of prodding. Either way, be sure to contact the new company's relevant department to inquire about relocation assistance.

Research your new city

Take some time to acquaint yourself with your new place before you even start looking at homes.

  • What do the various neighborhoods look like?
  • Which school districts are desirable to you?
  • Which place would make an ideal commute possible?

Try arranging an in-person visit while you research the new environment. Drive through the streets, see the attractions, walk the sidewalks, and get to know some folks. See where you feel at home the most.

You can still learn a lot through the internet if you cannot schedule your personal visit before your move.

  • Scope neighborhoods via their Facebook groups and pages.
  • Chart routes via Google Street View.
  • See whether your new group has some online forums that you can enter where you can ask questions.

The more you can understand in advance, the less stressed you are likely to be when you arrive.

Set a fair timeline

If you are a new employee, you have already been given a scheduled start date. Chart the ideal timeline in reverse by using that date as a target.

Few factors to take into account:

  • How long would it take to hunt a home and secure the home to stay?
  • How long is it going to take to put your existing house on the market?
  • How long is it going to take to pack?
  • How long would it take for the actual move to be made?
  • How long is it going to take to unpack and settle in?

That last point, in our experience, is all too often ignored. You don't want your first day at your new job to be on the heels of a mad scramble to unpack sufficient boxes to find a suitable outfit for your big day.

Hire a moving company

A lot of people rely on friends and family to help them move around. However, if you move out of town, whether it's to a different state or across the country, that choice is always off the table. Even if you're just moving around the city, sometimes it can be better to save your family and friends from very heavy lifting.

Moving companies take a lot off your mind and are also much cheaper than you would assume.

Check if you qualify for a tax rebate

If you moved to a new location because of work, you may qualify to use IRS Form 3903 to claim the cost of your moving expenses as a deduction on your federal income tax return. For tax years prior to 2018, the IRS allows taxpayers to deduct eligible moving costs from the taxable income they report on Form 1040.

Relocating for work? Get in touch with the best Long Distance Moving Company in New Haven, CT

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